Become a Member of Raheny Business Association


The association has three categories of membership –
•    Corporate (Financial Institutions etc),
•    Ordinary member (Businesses operating from a commercial location eg. Doctor, Butcher, Hair salon)
•    Private member (Business operating from home)

The Association works closely with other local organisations, such as the schools and parishes, and voluntary groups, including the Tidy Village Group. It also maintains close contacts with local public representatives and with the City Authorities, with whom much productive work has been undertaken.

The RBA seeks concrete ways in which to assist its members and to improve Raheny and has been instrumental, for example, in promoting work on the village plaza, revisions to parking arrangements and the design and installation of the Millennium Clock. The association also organizes the annual Christmas Tree event – Christmas tree, Christmas lights on the business premises.

The RBA has a significant social dimension for members also, with the highlights being business lunches with guest speaker, breakfast meetings, the Christmas gathering.

You can apply to join Raheny Business Association or renew your membership online by clicking on a Membership Package below.

Alternatively, you can apply for Membership by downloading an Application Form here, filling it in and returning with payment to: Barry Murphy, Raheny Business Association, 134 Bettyglen, Raheny, Dublin 5.